Why Do Dogs Bite?

Why Do Dogs Bite?

Dog bites happen every day, but most often when people approach them ineffectively or haphazardly. Just like people there is a way dogs should be approached and one should take caution and be tactful.

Here are 4 reasons why a dog would attack and how best to manage this type of situation.viscious-dog

  • The dog is in pain and is defending itself by biting. If it is an open wound Qwick-AID Bandages for Animals can be applied to treat a wounded dog. Be very gentle and perhaps even wear gloves so that any snips from a sensitive dog can avoid injury to yourself. If there is no open wound, then a different condition may exist and you should seek veterinary help.
  • A dog that senses fear is more inclined to bite. Even someone with whom the dog is familiar can be bitten if a dog is startled, but strange people unfamiliar with the dog are discouraged from running or showing fear to the dog. By running it can trigger the instinct to attack. The best thing to do is hold your ground, but avoid eye contact. If the situation allows it offer a treat to diffuse tension and gain the dog’s confidence.
  • The dog may bite to protect its property. This is really avoided by proper training. It may be trying to protect food, toy, or even space. If you need to retrieve something the dog is protecting, then consider distracting the dog with something else such as a ball or another toy. Avoid getting into a competition or tug-of-war with the dog.
  • Dogs will bite to protect their puppies. A friendly family dog can turn almost instantly if she is protecting her puppies. A rowdy environment can put a dog on edge, so a calm quiet place where the dog can feel safe is the best start when approaching her puppies.

Treating Dog Bites with Qwick-AID

Prevention is always the best approach to avoid dog bites, but sometimes it can happen anyway. A dog can come out of the blue while you are jogging or get loose from a leash. They can be unpredictable with each other and both dog and human can be bitten. In any case it is a good idea to be prepared for the worst. Qwick-AID Bandages are available for both people and animals and are easy to carry with you and apply at a moment’s notice. Keep Qwick-AID in your wallet or purse to care for yourself and your dog at a moment’s notice.

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